viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2008


7:38 The neighbor has a birdhouse. As I was getting dressed this morning I was trying to remember whether the known whistle from one of the birds is originally its own or mine. I can’t tell anymore. I checked my e-mail, drank my watered-down coffee and took a picture of Camille sleeping before I left.
8:50 It’s absurd how much I enjoy to drive alone. I hate to arrive; it ruins all the fun. Today I concluded that this makes no sense as I am supposed to enjoy carpooling and public transportation rather. But I don’t. I realized I am, deep down, an egotistical, individualist, atomized being. So I made a lame apology to myself for being so ordinary, forgave myself immediately, of course, and kept singing.
9:40 Then I had to park and the day officially started.
10:00 I always torture myself picking five to six frames that look exactly the same at the optometrist; it gives me something to do later on. This time I went for the Goddard style with the little tip on the sides. Once in the waiting room the other optometrist made me think of Kiwi; he would have given her a 10. My checkup, however, was, far from pleasing, more like a scene from Lost In Translation. They all looked the same, like the burgundy carpet. I wondered if the optometrist could tell when one doesn’t really care and is simply naming letters randomly, like my Z that was really an X; I called both. Tonight I will surely have my yearly nightmare in which I chose the wrong glasses and can’t see at all. Why can’t they just guess the prescription?
12:04 I left, happy to have been in the mall and NOT bought a thing… Ok, I bought a pretzel, but that was it. As I left, the security guy came by to supervise the two ladies fighting over my parking spot.
12:30 I got lost in Miramar, which made for a good conversation with myself about my sense of direction and with the other cars for not showing me how to get out. I passed Paco’s (the photographer) house, my parents’ favorite restaurant, the new conservatory…
Eventually, I found my way to Carolina. “The District Sleeps Alone Tonight” was playing; I thought it appropriate for the occasion.

6:20 If I’d have to choose, I would still say that the visit to the optometrist was the worst part - worse than 5:20. I took the long way back home.
9:24 I removed an O.

1 comentario:

Arturo Ulises dijo...

I think the O took some hours with it.